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Monday Minute 11/20/2023

A new era started at the Board of Selectmen meeting on November 16th. We welcomed Nick D’Addario to the table, and we covered a lot of topics.

The board agreed to release a statement condemning the recent actions of a former commission chair who publicly posted the personal information of a current board chair. I do not agree with statements made at the meeting that this is a political issue. It’s a town leadership issue and should be addressed in that matter.

In addition, I shared information about the town’s liability insurance, which provides coverage to volunteers who face legal challenges as a result of their official duties on a town board, commission or committee. It’s the first public acknowledgment that the town offers protection to individuals who may be the target of malicious actions due to their position. The first selectman agreed to share this information with all current board, commission or committee members to make them aware of the protection, and include it in onboarding materials for new members.

You’ll also soon see additional information posted on the town website about filling vacancies on boards and commissions. It applies to candidates who choose to nominate themselves instead of going through either the Democratic or Republican town committees. This makes the process clear and allows the Board of Selectmen the opportunity to vet candidates in the interest of seating the most qualified and interested people in relevant positions. That being said, I encourage candidates to work with their respective town committees regarding appointments. I know the RTC process involves multiple steps, giving the opportunity to fully vet a candidate prior to nomination.

We expect to soon have more information on a long-standing, ongoing matter. It’s the lease of town-owned property on South Park Avenue to the New England Prayer Center. An updated offer is on the table and I’m told this is the final offer. If you attended the Board of Finance meeting on November 14th, you learned that this matter has already consumed a good chunk of the legal budget for the fiscal year. Hopefully, we no longer extend deadlines and resolve the issue in the town’s best interest.

Enjoy this week whether staying local or traveling, spending time with family and friends or taking time for yourself. We have many reasons to give thanks.

Plus, it’s the start of Christmas tree season as we welcome many visitors to the Christmas Tree Capital of Connecticut!

Kristi Sogofsky

Easton Board of Selectmen


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