What a winter weekend! I hope you had some time to enjoy the snow once the storm passed, either out in it or admiring the beauty from the warmth of your home.
The Board of Selectmen meets this Thursday. The agenda and Zoom information will be posted online by Wednesday. The Board of Finance also meets this week. We are getting into budget season and Tuesday's agenda includes an overview of the budget process as well as a discussion on the preliminary Board of Education budget. In an effort to increase transparency and promote public involvement, Superintendent Dr. Jason McKinnon created a budget website. You can view the budget documents, the budget presentation, important meeting dates and submit questions. The site is also updated as changes are made to the budget so everyone has access to the most recent information. I encouraged everyone to be engaged in our town's budget process.
In the spirit of accessibility and engagement, I will be in Town Hall every Wednesday between 10am and noon starting on February 9th. Stop by to introduce yourself, talk about an issue or just to chat. As always, I'm reachable at ksogofsky@eactonct.gov.
Enjoy the break from the frigid temperatures!
Kristi Sogofsky
Easton Board of Selectmen